
  • “As a movement teacher and practitioner, learning from Soisci was one of my main priorities.

    The first thing that comes to mind learning from Soisci is this concept of the environment and how it plays an important role in how we feel, train, and approach our practice. By environment I mean the seasons, what we eat, how we sleep, our mental and emotional states; how all of these play our and reflect in our training.

    The other thing is the delivery of information. As a teacher, not delivering everything at once, and taking my students through a step-by-step process, but allowing them to fill in the gaps and letting them learn through the process of observation.

    And lastly, the really profound element were the internal practices through meditation and stillness. These haven’t only transformed my movement practice, but have also transformed my personal life.

    So with this being said I think that learning from Soisci is definitely worth your time and investment. Trust me, you won’t regret it. You’ll learn far more than just movement. The teachings she delivers will help you in life.”

    Movement Coach

  • “Lucky you! If you're reading this it means you have the opportunity to practice with Soisci. 

    I highly recommend showing up, committing wholeheartedly and letting go to the adventure and growth ahead of you. I met Soisci four years ago and immediately loved learning, playing and exploring together.

    Soisci is a formidable mover, teacher, guide and friend. She is strong, curious, nurturing, disciplined, hilarious and powerful all at once. I am endlessly grateful for the transformative practices and presence she has shared with me as my movement and mediation teacher.

    Her movement classes are the most fun I've ever had on a Friday night with friends; hardcore practice, genuine connection and so much laughter.

    Soisci is a lifelong friend and teacher to me and I am stoked we have a lifetime to keep exploring together.”

    Policy Analyst

  • “Since first meeting Soisci at one of her outdoor group training sessions in 2016, I can say with certainty that her work has had a tremendous influence on my life.

    I have seen in her a wonderful example of someone with genuine commitment to learn and grow, and to encourage others to do the same.

    I've enjoyed so much taking part in the learning experience at every stage of her journey, and appreciate the space she holds for myself and others to connect to who we truly are.

    “‘You cannot transmit wisdom and insight to another person. The seed is already there. A good teacher touches the seed, allowing it to wake up, to sprout, and to grow.

    Thich Nhat Hanh’”

    Seeker, Movement Enthusiast

  • “My name is Bianca. I am a young public servant and have trained with Soisci since she moved to Canberra to teach at the end of 2019. From the get-go, I found Soisci to be an encouraging and inspiring teacher, who helped me to push past my limitations, beginning with strength training.

    A notable memory of the early days is when Soisci helped me to achieve a box jump. When this exercise proved a psychological challenge for me, she encouraged me to take breaks, breathe and try again, until I eventually achieved my goal.As time went on, I began to regularly attend Soisci’s movement and martial movement style classes as well. Soisci not only attends to her students with care and good humour, but she creates a genuine community with her warm heart and her ability to create an authentic, safe space for all students to express themselves and grow.

    Before every class, she checks in with how her students are doing, beyond the standard ‘I’m good, thanks’, and then tailors her class to make the most of the energy, mindset and feelings of her students.

    Soisci is mindful of the cycles of the seasons and does not push against the tides of how the natural cycles of the world affect our bodies and minds. She is attentive and empathetic, but does not coddle and always pushes her students to be the best versions of themselves.

    Beyond movement, I have been attending Soisci’s meditation classes since 2020 and they have genuinely changed my life. She has created a beautiful community of spiritually minded people, who she guides with insight and who she mentors to establish a disciplined meditation practice.

    Starting a meditation practice under her guidance has improved my quality of life greatly and she continues to inspire me to develop as strong an internal practice as external practice.

    I couldn’t recommend learning from Soisci more and consider her not only to be a fantastic teacher and mentor, but a good friend.”

    Public Servant

  • “Of course, when I first heard about Soisci, I heard about her achievements as a world champion athlete. I expected to meet a badaas ninja! I did - but she wasn't nearly as tall as I'd imagined! 😆

    Nevertheless, I still had decided to practice with her because I wanted to learn from someone who was one of the best movement teachers out there. I wanted to learn how to train effectively, what to train, and to do so with someone who could answer all the questions I could possibly come up with. Soisci can do all that, and will, but her true value will truly become apparent in the deep wisdom and insight that she demonstrates, seemingly from beyond her years.

    We've practiced together for many years now. I can't remember all the specific things that were shared and practiced, but that doesn't actually matter. The key takeaways are the principles and attitudes that she shares and helps you to adopt and integrate into the Being and body that you inhabit! These days, I live and breathe every moment more mindfully. I notice the warning signs in my body and mind earlier. I (try to!) rest better - and sometimes even before something breaks. I also have a super regular and effective practice! It's an amazing thing to carry with me - wherever I may be, it is available and incredibly valuable.

    Soisci has certainly changed my life. I credit so much of my well-being to having practiced with her, to her wonderful ability to bring light and play and laughter to any setting. BFF's.

    If you ever have an opportunity to practice with Soisci, you would be giving yourself one of the greatest gifts to take it!” 

    Machine Learning Engineer

  • “I regularly attended Soisci Porchetta’s classes since she began teaching in Canberra in 2020. Her approach to exercise and good health of mind and body was refreshing. Her clear explanation of the tasks we were to do, and the purpose of each activity, engaged my interest and kept it for the three years she lived in Canberra.

    Soisci brought a range of skills and experiences, flexibility and adaptability and a depth of knowledge to classes. She also organised informative and enjoyable workshops for the local community.

    Movement classes took on a new energy with Soisci’s depth and range of knowledge. She included practices derived from her movement and meditation mentors and inspiring influences.

    This range of knowledge and skills enabled Soisci to give interesting classes as well as adapt each class to suit the needs of every student. This involved challenging all students yet adapting activities so that no one was intimidated when in a class with others with superior skills.

    During Covid lockdowns Soisci seamlessly transferred her classes to Zoom which were enjoyable, fun, and challenging. These classes were attended not only by the immediate community but also by people interstate and from other countries, some of whom chose to visit Canberra to experience her classes in person.

    Soisci has a strong network of friends and colleagues and I enjoyed being exposed to a range of wonderful guest teachers who with their knowledge gave us a range of workshops which expanded our experiences. Her network diversity reflects her own approach to life which involves harmony of body, mind and soul and a sense of community.”

    Retired Teacher

  • “I am a 65 year active man, who hopefully wants to live a long life and be able to move freely and without discomfort. Life is short, I also want to meet lovely people and learn new things that make my life better.

    It is with much pleasure that I recommend Soisci Porchetta as not just your movement teacher, but as a life teacher.

    Soisci was not only a former world champion muay Thai fighter, she is also a world class movement teacher. Soisci moves like a cheetah, is supremely strong, mobile, flexible, soft and gentle and yet explosive when necessary.

    Even though you may not reach the level of athletic ability as Soisci, she will teach you how to move with balance, agility, comfort and ease. But most of all you will feel better, stronger and more flexible.

    Soisci will not only improve how you move, but will improve the quality of your life. She is a beautiful person, insightful, friendly and has a great sense of humour. Soisci will also tell you what you need to hear, but always in a respectful way.

    When you start learning from Soisci and participating in her fantastic classes you will be hooked. Soisci also creates a lovely environment in her classes that are inclusive, helpful, respectful, friendly and fun.

     Since practicing with Soisci I am stronger, have greater mobility, less discomfort in my body and have had the pleasure of getting to know Soisci and her lovely partner Ryan.

    If you are fortunate to have Soisci in your life, your life will be better. I enjoyed everything about learning from Soisci. Soisci will not only teach you how to move better, she will teach you how to be a better person.”

    Industrial Relations Expert

  • “I have been practising with Soisci for several years in Canberra, Australia, primarily working on strength and movement while at Praksis movement studio. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Soisci over the years and would absolutely recommend her to anyone who has the opportunity to absorb some of her wisdom!  

    I have been training for most of my life (25 years approx.), playing competitive Basketball, as well as supplementing with strength training. Due to injuries, I gradually became more interested in mobility and movement, which is the starting point for my interest in Soisci's approach to the body.

    Soisci is a highly perceptive and engaging teacher, who is skilled at working with people from all walks of life. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her training and takes the time to understand her students' backgrounds and tailor her advice and guidance based on an individual's needs.

    In her own right, Soisci has exceptional strength, balance and mobility (including effortless hand balancing), and her specific expertise in martial movement/ combat training adds another dimension to her repertoire, including a toughness and resilience which is enviable.

    However, I believe Soisci's most impressive attribute is the care and passion for working with people, which is quickly evident when working with her. She goes above and beyond to work with each person in a holistic way, combining the mechanics of the body with her students' personhood. “


  • “I had the good fortune of wandering into a movement class in Canberra that was being taught by Soisci. From the outset, Soisci's positive and playful energy made everyone feel both welcome and motivated.

    Soisci's classes range from light to intense, but no matter what I always left with the desire to come back within a day or two, which made getting into a regular pattern of movement easy to do.

    Soisci has the ability to meet the needs of a class with a range of skill-levels. As a successful athlete, Soisci knows what it takes to get to the top. However, she is equally good for those just starting out. I was new to handstands myself, and of all the teachers I've had, I trust her judgment the most on when to give more effort and when to pull back to avoid injury or to ensure the right muscles are being used. From learning with Soisci I feel I have gotten better at listening to my body and finding joy in movement and play.

    Soisci really listens to people, has an eye for form and gives individualised attention. It is obvious that she cares about all her students and wants to help them reach whatever goal they are working towards. At the same time she also has the understanding of the body, as well as excellent communication and people skills to actually get them there.

    I also attend meditation classes with Soisci and can see that Soisci's joyful philosophy and her approach to movement and teaching are all built on the fundamental practise of meditation. I love joining in the classes to build up and share in the practise.

    I would recommend Soisci to everyone from those just starting out with movement or who are aiming to maintain longevity, to experienced athletes who are looking to expand their understanding of body and mind.

    Thank you Soisci, for being such an inspiring and knowledgeable teacher.”


  • "I began training with Soisci when she moved to Tasmania in early 2023. Her passion, joy, and enthusiasm are infectious, and she displays an unparalleled generosity when sharing her time and expertise. She appears to have and endless well of tools, techniques, and teachings, and somehow manages to construct every class to the diverse needs of every student.

    But this does not mean she will go easy on you! Working with Soisci I found myself challenged in new and unexpected ways. I could never hide behind a simple "I'm fine" - she pushed me to explore what I was actually feeling and the elements I wanted to cultivate. She encouraged me to examine myself with both curiosity and compassion. This has allowed me to start identifying underlying patterns and processes to start to question whether they are of service to me - a lesson which has translated to many aspects of my life"


  • “As an athlete she became world champion, as a coach she studied under the top specialists in their fields for many years. In addition to this, Soisci is constantly exploring and developing new methods of developing both externally and internally.
It is from that deep well of knowledge and experience that Soisci draws when she teaches.

    She is is fierce, powerful and agile like wildcat. Loyal, playful and empathetic like a puppy, and wise and intuitive like an owl .
A very unique and gifted teacher with integrity, authenticity and a sense of humour rolled into one.
If you have the opportunity to work with Soisci jump at it.”

    Boxing Coach

  • “Working with Soisci is always stimulating on many levels - exercises always feel fresh, playful, energetic, nourishing and uplifting.

    Over the last five years I have learnt so much about my physical body and how it moves and operates.

    I can feel the benefits of each session, my body feels lighter, looser and stronger - my mind clearer.

    Soisci is a natural teacher, with a great sense of humour - sessions are fun and always full of her spirit.

    She’s passionate about her students' learning and growth, and this is easy to see in her dedication to her class and each person's growth.”


  • When I first started training at Totum a year ago, my first class was Soisci’s movement class. I could tell from the beginning that I had met someone totally unique and very special.

    Training with Soisci has been a transformative experience. Her approach to movement practice has taught me so much about myself. I’ve learnt not to label any skill or movement pattern as something I can or cannot do, but to enjoy the experience of trying. Soisci has taught me that there’s so much we can learn about ourselves if we bring more curiosity to our practice.

    I have loved getting stronger, but I have learnt so much more about listening to what my body needs from a physical practice and how that changes with the time, the day and the season.

    Soisci’s teaching approach is gentle yet tough, fun yet serious, playful yet very deep and profound. It is multi-layered and profoundly student-centred. The start-of-class check-ins help her to decide what sort of activities to run, meeting the needs of the group she has in front of her – a beautiful mix of creativity and intuition.

    Soisci is very intentional in the way she seeks to create a sense of connection and community among her students. This was such an important element of training with Soisci, and the bonds developed with her and with my fellow students are ongoing.

    Online training via Zoom is almost as good as the real thing, but I look forward to the day when I can train with Soisci in person again.


  • “I’ve loved my time learning, moving and playing with Soisci. She brings such a positive vibe to her work and makes her sessions dynamic and engaging for all there. The combination of rooting awareness in the body while exploring and nourishing our capacities really helps me to feel bright and bubbly in life.

    Soisci cares deeply about the people she works with and fosters a wonderful community wherever she goes, which makes training with her even more enjoyable. Soisci makes things that could be difficult and uncomfortable into a fun and playful experience. And whilst I came for a teacher to train me, I left with a wonderful friend.”


  • I started training with Soisci 4 years ago, 2 years after starting movement. Her teaching approach was different and I was immediately curious and eager to learn from her. What then followed was a beautiful relationship where Soisci became not only a teacher, but also an inspiration, a spiritual guide, and a friend.

    She opened my eyes to a different way of training and thinking around movement, longevity, injury management and how to incorporate more play into training. Whenever an injury comes up, I often have Soisci’s voice in my head ‘Be your own physio’ and I try to approach the injury with curiosity, taking it as an opportunity for me to learn something about my body and my thought and movement patterns, and to not only manage the injury but also prevent recurrence.

    She also became my meditation and spiritual practice guide. Her practical and down to earth approach suited my style. I learned tools to improve my life and wellbeing, which I will continue to carry and use for the rest of my life.

    What can you expect when training or learning from Soisci? You will be challenged and pushed outside of your comfort zone; you may start thinking differently about your physical and spiritual practices; you may become obsessed with feet, jenga blocks and coordination; you may start observing changes in other parts of your life that you did not expect; you will be given a spirit animal; you will laugh a lot; you will love or hate tam pin (most likely hate). 

    It is hard to summarise what it has been like to learn from Soisci, as she has had such an impact on many parts of my life. But one thing that stands out is how she built a beautiful community of people around her. I treasure these memories and I am ever grateful for that.

    Movement Practitioner

  • “During Covid everything was shut down so my son knew of Soisci's longevity classes & enrolled us for online classes to keep us connected & moving & it was fantastic we learnt so much & had such fun.

    I now move more freely & consciously, I practice various movements as daily practice & it allows me a much greater range of movements which is so important as we age.

    It's always fun the hours fly by & there is always something new to learn & you feel the growth.

    We had never done movement classes before, Soisci patiently goes through a movement until we got it, so much of movement required a brain connection it is very interesting & exciting when you get the shift & the movement becomes fluid.

    As new grandparents being able to get up & down from the floor is vital, I didn't realise how inflexible I was until I started Soisci's movement classes, it's such a gift.

    If you're thinking of doing Soisci’s classes Just Do It you will learn so much & have so much fun.”

    Kerry & Kamil

  • “I trained in Soisci's movement classes for about 3 years. Her teachings made me focus on using physical practice to help the body age well, not just to meet particular goals.

    As a desk-bound office worker, and someone who had started to get injured from other training, this resonated with me. Plus her caring and interactive approach helped build a supportive community that made training fun!

    I also joined meditation classes with Soisci. I was someone who had no experience in meditation beforehand. Soisci's teachings were very accessible, in particular her focus on the applying the teachings in the real world. As a result I feel more calm in my day to day life, including in the workplace.”

    Management Consultant

  • “For many years I was looking for the right form of training that would peak my interest and keep me motivated. What I know now is that I should’ve been looking for the right trainer. I definitely found that in Soisci. With no personal background myself in movement, gymnastics, calisthenics or fighting – Soisci opened up a whole new world for me. Her mentoring, inspiration (and punishments) all helped me progress physically, mentally and emotionally. You’d be lucky to get the chance to train with her!”

    Senior Alliance Executive, Adobe