
Online meditation workshop in October!
Details announced soon…

Workshop Topics

  • Private intensive

    A 3+ day private intensive event where Soisci takes you on a ‘mystery tour’ through movement practices, meditation, contemplative practices, creativity, craft-making, dance, food anthropology, nature connection, urban culture and spontaneous actions and ideas.

    Humility, an openness of heart and mind, and kindness towards others are necessary ingredients to participate.

    This event can only be hosted in one of Soisci’s familiar geographical bases.

  • Movement for personal development

    A 2 day workshop where physical and contemplative practices will be explored so that intentional seeds can be planted in group and solo tasks, to cultivate integrated, personal evolution. Central themes include getting out of your own way and co-creating with others in life.

  • cultivating internal practices

    A 1 day workshop to help you cultivate a sustainable daily meditation practice and integrate it with life-changing waking-state practices to live a life with more awareness, equanimity, empowerment, love, freedom and joy. What you’ll learn will help you to transform your life from the inside out, gifting you a unshakable ship to navigate life’s unpredictable waters.

  • longevity

    A 1 day workshop in which you’ll reorient your meaning of health, and explore creative practices that will help you to love life more through movement. This wokshop is for you if you want to expend your vision and longevity from where you are currently at; whether you’re an elite athlete, coach, office worker or elderly.

  • play for rehabilitation

    A 1 day workshop to reorient the meaning of health, to empower yourself on the journey of healing, and to harness the power of play in rehabilitation. This workshop is empowering for the patient, therapist, athlete and coach as it offers simple tools that being curiosity, and joyful motivation to rehabilitation.

  • Inspire by fm

    A 1 day workshop where Soisci specifically shares her studies and practices with (her mentors) Fighting Monkey. Topics include (and are not limited to) story telling, play, 0 forms, creative problem solving, rhythm & coordination.

Soisci is currently based in Barbados and available for privates, workshops, retreats & consultations in the caribbean, europe, united states and south america.

If you would like to host Soisci or receive more information on any of her event topics click the ‘contact’ button below.